Wednesday, January 21, 2009

My learning process in English III with Lisette Lunar.

This semester I had a different way of learning, I felt freer to write about things I really like and enjoy. But, on the other hand, sometimes I felt that I could have learned all these things by myself.

So, I can just say that it has been a very different experience on education, that let me realize that I can learn all I want when I try hard to do it. So, like Sir Winston Churchill says: “Personally I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught

Why the article “Creatures Clones Selves in Face of Danger” is an expositive text?

This is an expositive text because the writer, Clara Moskowitz, gives a series of information and explications of a specific topic. Besides, all the things that she says have been proved by facts, with experts of the topic and scientist researchers. Although, all the complicate process and terms are translated in a way that common people can understand. The article has a clear and specific order of ideas, starting from a general topic finishing in a specific one, like the deductive method.

My argumentative text: Comic vs. Movie. Eve: the pupil vs. the heroine.

The character of Eve in the motion picture V for Vendetta is very different from the original, the one who appears in the comic book of Alan Moore. Here I will tell you the difference between them.

1) In the movie, Eve works in the British National Television, but in the comic she is just a 15 year old girl that becomes a prostitute in order to survive.

2) In the movie, Eve is very smart, and knows about a lot of things, almost like V, the protagonist. But in the comic book, is V the one who teaches Eve all the things that she needs to know to be his successor.

3) In the movie, Eve sees V as a threat, until she understands him. But in the comic book she sees him as a teacher, a father, a lover.

That is the only one point that unified these 2 Eve’s; because they both love V with all their hearts. But, in the movie we see Eve like the heroine of the picture, and in the comic book we see her like the pupil and successor of the great V.